A Lowell Self Storage offers a wide range of personal and commercial storage solutions including industrial and warehouse rentals. We will build-to-suit and discounts are available for long-term commercial space leasing. Please Click here to reserve your storage unit and thank you for choosing Greater Lowell's best storage facility, A Lowell Self Storage.
(Prices below are per month.)
4 x 4 = $25.00
5 x 5 = $40.00
5 x 7 = $115.00
5 x 8 = $125.00
5 x 9 = $139.00
5 x 10 = $50.00
6 x 9 = $153.00
5 x 10 = $50.00
5 x 11 = $155.00
5 x 12 = $159.00
5 x 15 = $75.00
8 x 10 = $80.00
9 x 17 = $160.00
10 x 10 = $99.00
10 x 12 = $125.00
10 x 15 = $150.00
10 x 17 = $175.00
10 x 20 = $190.00
13 x 15 = $290.00
15 x 20 = $379.00
16 x 30 = $570.00
We also have office or manufacturing space for lease.